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​​Tikkun Search

Many people wonder what are their tests in life? In other words, they search for their Tikkun.

Let’s pay a close attention to this matter since this is the subject most people have difficulty to figure out. 

Our sins are divided into three categories:




Let’s forget about thought for now because it is the most difficult thing to work at. Once you have control over your speech and action, you’ll be more able to control your thoughts.

The first thing you must come to realize is the fact that your given POWERS are NOT by coincident.

Think about it…


You're going through TESTS everyday.


You CANNOT be tested with something you don’t have. 


How can you be tested?


The creator can only test you with the "abilities" He gave you and there is no other way arround it.


​The Hebrew word EL אל has two meanings that can guide you to do your Tikkun.


EL אל meaning:  ability; act of kindness


This means you MUST do "act of kindness" with your "abilities."

So search for your abilities to see what are you capable of doing and act wisely.

Speech - If you are given the power of speech, it is only to TEST you to see if you use your abilities in the right manner and have control over what comes out of your mouth or you have NO control and say whatever you want to say. You have the option to open your mouth and say something inappropriate or you can close your mouth or STOP yourself from saying something inappropriate. The choice is yours.

Action - If you are given the power of action, again, it's only to TEST you to see if you use your abilities in the right manner and have control over your actions or you have NO control and do whatever you want to do. You have the option to do something wrong or you STOP yourself from doing something wrong.​


If you're a rich person, money is your power. You can expect to be tested by helping others and the best way is to help the poor.

If you’re uncertain about your behavior or what you're saying or doing is right or wrong, you may search for RED FLAGS by the amount of the PLEASURE you receive from that specific behavior.

If you're getting a tremendous pleasure, most likely that’s a RED FLAG.

You may also TRACE and see your tests.

If you always find yourself in the same or similar situation where it will get you to that specific behavior, then ask yourself WHY you find yourself again and again in the same or similar situation for???

The answer is clear: TEST

You are being tested.

In most cases, you're being tested when your expectations are not met. This way your feelings are hurt and will get you to quickly react and do something wrong.

But in most cases a quick re-action is a "weak" action.

Of course changing your nature or becoming STRONG is the most difficult thing to do.

But, no pain no gain.

Nobody says it is easy, but the rewards one will receive for being in control of himself are beyond his/her imagination.

I have learned that people with more "patience" have more "control" over themselves. 


These people usually walk slowly, eat slowly, and have other slow behaviors that will help them STOP a quick re-action.

So, pay more attention to your POWERS and watch how you'll be able to find your Tikkun.



Bahram Cohanfard


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