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Concept of Numbers​​


The concepts behind numbers are eye opening. Every number is unique and has physical and spiritual meanings. ​


​0 - Zero is a man-made number. In Hebrew, there is no letter with zero numerical value. Zero does not refer to existence. It is the result of deducting the same numbers from each other. In other words, zero is the result of numbers that exist. 

1 - The concept of number one is the most important concept. It says that the creator is one, He is the only one, He is for ever, and there is no other power beside him. He is the creator of all.

2 - Number two  is the male and female concept. It refers to physical and spiritual worlds. It is the concept of matting. The message number two gives us is that anything that has life has parents. 

3 - Number three shows stability and family. You need at least three legs in order to secure a table from falling. That's why we have three fathers and three festivals meaning Judaism will never fall. Levi was the 3rd child an so was Moshe and they brought stability to the Jewish nation. Number three is also referred to growth. It represents a family...Father, mother, and their child.

4 - Number four shows complete stability which brings power and kingdom. Yehuda was the forth child and the leader. Yehuda is the combination of the creator name plus the letter "D" which in Hebrew means four. We also see the kingdom of David starts with the letter "D."

5 - Number five is life. In Hebrew you don't need to use your tongue to pronounce "H". You can say H with your breath. The name of Avraham, was at first Avram without the letter H and the name of Sarah was at first Sara without the letter H, But the creator added this letter to their name so that they would be able to bring children.

6 - Number six in Hebrew means "and". We use "and" to connect two words, two numbers, two sentences, or two worlds together. In other words number six is a cause. This is one the most important concepts and the creator wants us to act the same.

7 - Seven is a unique number. Number seven stands between physical world which is number six and spiritual world which is  number eight. This means that Shabbat is a combination of six and eight meaning a combination of spirituality and physicality. When we observe Shabbat we are actually in control of our physical world. This will make us strong and therefore in control over ourselves. 

8 - As said above, number 8 is referred to spiritual world. 

9 - Number nine refers to truth. If you take the Hebrew word EMETH and add the numerical value of the letters together, the end result would be number nine.

10 - Number ten means complete. Any number above ten is related to one of the numbers from one to ten. Torah refers to ten men as a community. That is why we need to have ten men to say special prayers. Avraham also knew this concept and when the creator wanted to destroy the cities of Sodom and Amorah, he finally asked the creator not to destroy the city if it had ten righteous people living there, but he did not go under this number. 

11 - Number eleven, which we'll talk about this more in other articles, is the symbol of Clipa, which means the power of bad inclination.

12 - Number twelve, refers to the twelve tribes of Israel. 

13 - Number thirteen represents that the creator is one. There is no other numbers that have such a power in the Hebrew dictionary. The numerical value of the Hebrew word "one" equals number thirteen.


Bahram Cohanfard


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