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G-d's Plan: ISRAEL


יצחק  שרה  רחל  אברהם  לאה​



 Issac, Sarah, Rachel, Avraham, (E)*  Leah




It is no coincidence that the name ISRAEL includes the first letter of our father's and mother's names.


They all have a share in it!  

​Just like the Star of Unity, by putting our fathers and mothers together we create a star called ISRAEL




This by itself proves the name of our fathers and mothers were already planed to be given to them before birth! 


*Letter E In Hebrew is a sound, not a letter. The reason Rivkah's name is not mentioned in the above list is because she was the reincarnation of Sarah. So we don't need to put her name or repeat the R ר.  And Jacob's name changed to ISRAEL ישראל. His name is the totality of all the first letters. So we don't need to put another י.


The names of our fathers together are 13 letters and the names of our mothers together are 13 letters!!

​אברהם  יצחק  יעקב 

Fathers Names 

13 letters


שרה  רבקה  רחל  לאה

Mothers Names

13 letters


Number 13 in Hebrew means one.


This means our fathers together revealed the uniqueness of the creator.


And so did our mothers. They also revealed the uniqueness of the creator.


And together as male and female they connected to the creator.


13 + 13 = 26י-ה-ו-ה

Another eye opening sign are the first and last letters.



The first letter which is I י and the last letter which is L ל are the letters that hold this name together. These letters are called surrounding letters or surrounding energies. To give you an example, it is like a dish that has two handles. One handle on each side.



LI לי in Hebrew means: Mine

Simple meaning: ISRAEL IS MINE


And which tribe did the creator select for himself? Levi​




Again, we see that the surrounding letters are the same letters.  


Simple meaning: LEVI IS MINE


The same concept!!

So is this a coincident that the name ISRAEL includes the first letter of the names of all of our fathers and mothers?

Is this a coincident that the surrounding letters say 
לי (mine)?

Is this really a G-d's plan?

Let's find out...

As you may know, Adam and Chava sin brought death to the world. 

And who was at fault?


Satan was the cause for destruction and bringing death to mankind. He took control of man and lead him to death.

Therefore, the creator planed to take the control out from the hands of Satan and return it to man in order to give him eternal life.

So let's first get to know this Satan...

Satan, who is also an angel of the creator, lives within every human being. He is the evil inclination that resides in every one. He is the power of bad traits or bad will. 

His job is to bring man under his own control in order to bring destruction. 

The bad news is that Satan is also the prosecutor. He fools people first and then takes them to the heavenly court and gets judgment against them.

On the other hand, there is a good angel or a good will that resides in every human being too and wants to do kindness.

His job is to bring man under his own control in order to bring construction. 


Therefore, these two superpowers are always wrestling to take control of man. 


For those who are not familiar with the art of wrestling, wrestling is different from other fightings. When two people wrestle, the one who is in control or holds the other person down is called the winner while in other fightings it is not about controlling or holding to call a winner. 


So when we want to make a decision, the good and bad are wrestling within us to take control, and so did the good and bad in Chava who made the decision to eat from the forbiden tree.

Satan is very much interested in vulnerable people to fool and take advantage of them. 

He knows how much people have a desire to receive pleasure at all times and that's where he can sneak in. 

Satan had Snake in his hands and used it to get what he was after.

He saw Chava to be vulnerable and used the snake to increase the amount of pleasure she will receive from eating the forbidden fruit that the creator had told her and told her husband Adam not to eat. 

Chava knew in her "mind" she must not eat from the tree but her "heart" or weak securities were telling her to eat. 

Therefore, there was wrestling going on between her securities and her thoughts, between the bad and good to take control over her. 


Satan finally prevailed.


He brought Chava under his own control and had her eat from the forbidden tree.

So Satan wrestled with the good angel and finally took Chava out of his hands, took control, and forced her and forced her husband to obey him, and do not obey the creator.  


The creator saw that the Adam He created is weak.

Because the creator is kind and His purpose of creation was to give man eternal life, He planed to help man by making him emotionally strong so that he would be able to take the control back from the hands of Satan, who had brought death to the world, and bring back the eternal life that He had planed to give to mankind.


Therefore, the creator makes a plan called: ISRAEL

After many generations, the creator saw that our fathers (Avraham, Issac, and Jacob) and our mothers (Sarah, Rivkah, Leah, and Rachel) had the foundation and basis to bring eternal life to the world.


Because they obeyed the creator, not Satan. 

They stood up to Satan and obeyed the creator and followed His path. 


When we pay attention to Avraham's life, we notice that in all of his tests he had to detach himself from what he really loved in order to obey the creator.


He had to detach himself from his family, his town, his brother in law Lot, his wife Sarah, Hagar and Ishmael his child, and finally his beloved son Issac. 


He loved them all.


The path Avaraham was taking was the path of love for the creator and nothing else.


​So did Issac...


While Avraham's mission was to go after doing kindness​, Issac had to restrain himself from doing bad.



Now, let's see who Jacob was... 

Jacob followed the path of his father Issac as well as the path of his grandfather Avraham.

He did good and stayed away from doing bad.

Jacob carried all the good traits of his fathers, mothers, and his wives. 


He was the result of the hard work of all of them.

In other words, he represents his fathers, mothers, and his wives. 

Jacob's life started with challenges.

His first fight with his twin brother Esav took place in their mother's womb, even before birth! 


By telling us they were twins, the creator is informing us both the good and the bad look the same like twins and these powers are within us wrestling to take control.


Rivkah, their mother had so much pain from this wrestling between these two powers that she turned to the creator and asked Him what was the reason for her pain.

When she was giving birth, according to Torah, Jacob was holding the foot of Esav coming out. The tension between these two had given Jacob so much power that he was able to grab and hold Esav's foot while being pulled out from his mother's womb.


So why was Jacob holding Esav's foot for??? 

We learn that Jacob challenge with Esav was to stop him from being the firstborn and the proof is when he buys the rights of being the firstborn from Esav.

So what was so special about being the firstborn anyways?

Being the first born had special "blessings" that came with it and that's why his father Issac had planned to give those blessings to his first born Esav, and not to Jacob.


In other words, if Jacob was born first, it was the end of the story. Issac had to give those blessings to Jacob, and not to Esav.


But the creator plan was to show us life means a challenge from the womb of our mothers. No pain no gain concept and that we have to think potentials and go through the life challenges to reach there. That's why He let Esav to be the first born so that as our father and role model Jacob faces his challenges in life.


Esav challenge with Jacob over being the first born in their mom's womb was only because Jacob wanted to be the first born, not that he wanted to be the first. Esav was after something he didn't really want or care for. 


We learn souls are aware of their challenges before birth but after they are born they forget everything.

Esav was all about body pleasures while Jacob was all about spiritual pleasures and therefore later in life when Jacob finds an opportunity, he buys the "blessings" or the "rights" for being the first born from Esav who didn't really care for them anyways. 


Esav failed his test by acting careless about his first born rights. Therefore, he proved he was not able to handle the first born blessings.


However, the creator makes no mistakes. He knew Jacob had purchased the rights to those blessings and therefore those blessings belonged to him. For this reason, when Issac planed to give the first born blessings to Esav, the creator used Rivkah to turn the situation around so that Issac gives those blessings to Jacob who was the legal owner of those blessings, and not to Esav.


In spite of his difficult life, Jacob followed the path of his fathers and stood up to Esav and Lavan who were under the control of Satan.

Finally, when Satan saw Esav and Lavan were not able to beat Jacob, he showed up as a human himself and started wrestling with Jacob.


Here we see actual wrestling because the creator wants to show us in action how this wrestling between the good and bad works within someone. Note that this is the same Satan who wrestled with the angel of Chava and took control over her. This is the same Satan used Esav to stop Jacob from being the first born. Again, Torah goes to such an extent to inform us this is the same Satan within humans wrestling with the good angel to bring him under his own control.

Satan approaches Jacob and starts wrestling with Jacob in order to bring him under his own control.


But, this time Jacob prevails.

Satan is now in the hands of Jacob. He knows he lost the battle and Jacob won't release him unless he blesses him. Therefore, as a prosecutor, he has no choice but to bless him.

He calls Jacob ISRAEL.

A blessed name, a medal, an achievement that his fathers, mothers, and his wives have a share in it. 


From BIRTH to POTENTIAL, the creator shows two points and that as our father and our role model Jacob was able to face his challenges in life and become ISRAEL.


Jacob became ISRAEL only when HE was in control of Satan.

Jacob was able to take the control back from the hands of Satan, who took control of Adam and Chava on the 6th day of creation and brought death to the world.   

Because Jacob was 100% in control of Satan, he reached the level of Adam and Chava before they made the sin.

And what happens when there is no sin?

There is no death.

This fulfilled the creator's plan because his intention was to bring Satan under the control of man to stop destruction and help man to reach the eternal life He had planned to give him.

That is why the creator chose Jacob's generation and expects them to follow the path of their father Jacob because he was able to fulfill the creator's plan. 

As we see, the creator planned everything...

He created a nation from our fathers and mothers. 

He showed us how Jacob was able to become Israel.

He claimed ownership of this nation saying ISRAEL is mine.


He claimed ownership of one tribe, the same way, saying LEVI is mine.

He gave us Torah which is the tool we need to beat Satan.


Most importantly, He showed us the experiences our fathers and mothers went through so that WE connect our situation to their situation and act wisely. 



Bahram Cohanfard


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