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 Ten Commandments of Speech

  1) Don’t talk too much or more than you must.
  2) Don’t talk negatively about others.
  3) Don’t complain or be the carrier of bad news.
  4) Don’t say words you won't keep.
  5) Don’t sting, embarrass, or humiliate others.

  6) Don’t curse or wish bad for others.
  7) Don’t say dirty words.
  8) Don't gossip or reveal secrets. 
  9) Don't lie, fool, or talk gibberish.
10) Don’t brag or show off.


*Exceptions may apply for a positive, constructive purpose.


1) Don’t talk too much or more than you must.


This is the gap that allows Satan to enter your life. It is a fact that the more we talk, the greater the chance of saying something wrong. Talking too much can lead to trouble or unintended consequences. Sometimes, it’s better to listen and observe rather than constantly speak. Any word we say can be used against us, especially when it comes to a court of law. It is also important not to waste words that have no purpose or no goal. Remember, the Creator communicates with us non-verbally, and He expects us to show ourselves more in action than words.

2) Don’t talk negatively about others.


Forget the pleasure you will receive from talking negatively about others. Talking negatively about others won't bring you up in the eyes of your listeners. You must close your mouth to open the doors of success. Before you talk negatively about others, think about karma and remember that you are opening Satan’s mouth to talk negatively about you too. Talking negatively about someone brings separation between two or more people or entities.

3) Don’t complain or be the carrier of bad news. 


We are the creators of our situation, so complaining won't change our status. The world stands on three legs. Any table or stand has to have three legs to be secured. In other words, number three stands for stability. Once you complain, you are not stable. 

4) Don’t say words you won't keep.


We are created in the image of the creator, and therefore, what comes out of our mouths is spiritual and powerful, and it creates our surrounding energy that will determine our destiny. In other words, if you don’t keep your word, you create a negative angel that can work against you. A king will always keep his word. 



5) Don’t sting, embarrass, or humiliate others. 

Stop searching for the words that sting to hurt someone. Every time you embarrass or humiliate someone, you take a part in that person. Remember that eating is not only what we put in our mouths. We can eat someone's flesh with our words or behavior. If we hear words that hurt us, we are probably dealing with karma. 

6) Don’t curse or wish bad for others. 

Don't use the same mouth you pray with to curse. Cursing is one of the worst things you can do because you are working against yourself. You cannot curse someone and ask the creator to give you a blessing. 

7) Don’t say dirty words. 


Are you addicted to saying dirty words? Dirty is the opposite of holy. Every time you say a dirty word, you distance yourself from being holy. In other words, you cause separation between your body and your soul. The creator made the seventh day holy.

8) Don't gossip or reveal secrets.

Whether what you tell your friend or someone else is true or not, you don't want to hear it from others. Gossiping in general is a bad thing, and revealing secrets is even worse. Gossiping can hurt someone and destroy relationships.

9) Don’t lie, fool, or talk gibberish. 


Honesty is the best policy for building trust, which is the foundation of a strong relationship. You cannot possibly build trust by lying, fooling, or talking gibberish. Some people think they must lie, even to themselves, to succeed. But that's what Satan wants them to believe. Lying, fooling, or talking gibberish is like littering. You may be forced by the higher authorities to clean up your mess. 


10) Don’t brag or show off.


Ever wonder why a dime is smaller than a nickel? Just as you know, a bigger version of a dime is a nickel with half the value. Ten means complete or not needy. By showing a bigger version of yourself or by showing off that you are not a ten or complete because you are needy.


How to protect your speech

Don’t talk about others unless you have to, because most of the time it’ll lead to negative speech.

Don’t trust everybody because they may betray you, and you may talk negatively about them, not realizing it was your fault to trust them.

Don’t respond quickly when you get angry. In most cases, a quick reaction is a weak action. Be strong and give it some time before you respond, because it may lead to cursing or negative speech. Remember, most of the time, silence is more powerful than any verbal answer.

Don’t have high expectations from people because they may not know any better, and therefore you may get disappointed, which leads to negative speech. Don’t expect too much from yourself either, because you may not know any better either. 

Don’t argue with people because it may lead to saying dirty words. 


Don’t say anything until you translate and understand its meaning. You may hurt someone's feelings. 

Don’t be in a rush for nothing. Be patient, take your time, and focus on winning. If you read or eat fast, remember that taking your time will affect your reaction and, therefore, your speech.

Don’t comment because you think you must. The creator gave us two ears and one mouth, meaning you should listen more than you talk.

Don't say "I will"; instead, say "I can." When you say, "I will," you commit to doing something and must keep your word, while when you say, "I can," you have not committed anything. Not keeping your word can be as simple as telling your friend you will be there in a second, knowing it will take you more than 10 minutes to get there. So, pay more attention to what you say you will do.

Bahram Cohanfard​​​


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