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Torah describes Moses as the most humble person on the planet. It continues by saying there won’t be anyone like him ever again.

Although Moses had many positive traits such as being compassionate and grateful, being humble is the only trait spoken about him in the Torah.

It stands out among all other traits to the creator and therefore must have a special meaning and power.

You may become surprised at how the creator communicates with us regarding this behavior in our daily lives.

Looking at the Hebrew alphabet, you will find the letter Yud י to be the smallest letter. All other letters are bigger than Yud י.

And the Hebrew numerical value of Yud י is ten (10) which means completeness.

Torah refers to ten men as a community, showing that ten means complete. We always need ten men to recite special prayers. We have the Ten Commandments. We often use numbers from one to ten for grading. And yes, we refer to the most beautiful woman as being a ten. 

Even Avraham knew about the importance of the number ten a few thousand years ago. When he was bargaining with the creator about not destroying the cities of Sodom and Gemorah, he asked the creator not to destroy the city if fifty righteous men were living in those cities, and then he started bargaining with him and lowered the numbers until he reached the number ten and stopped.


Most importantly, the creator's name י-ה-ו-ה starts with Yud י.

So, the question is quite obvious…

Why is the most complete letter in the Hebrew alphabet the smallest letter?

It makes more sense that the most complete letter be the biggest letter, not the smallest.

Now, I would like to bring your attention to a dime in US currency.

Have you ever wondered why a dime is smaller than a nickel?

Similar to the letter Yud י which is the smallest letter in the Hebrew alphabet and its value is ten, a DIME is also the smallest coin of all US currency coins. Interestingly enough, its value is also ten.


Smallest letter in the Hebrew alphabet: YUD = 10

Smallest coin in US currency: DIME = 10



Not really...

So why does the creator want us to witness that a dime is smaller than a nickel but has more value than a nickel?

Let's pay close attention to our world and the people we meet or see in our daily lives. 


We live in an exaggerated world.

Most people show a bigger version of who they are or show off to say how complete they are.

But the creator’s message is very interesting...

A BIGGER version of a dime is a nickel, which has HALF the value.

Yes, you can show off a bigger version of who you really are, but remember that a bigger version of you has half the value.

You can brag all you want, but a needy person is not complete.

A needy person cannot be complete.

You cannot be needy and complete at the same time. 

In other words, if you are really a complete person, why do you need to show off a bigger version of who you are?

Now we understand what the creator is telling us about Moses being humble.

Yes, he was a ten and complete.

Moses advanced to the point where he could converse with the creator face-to-face.

With all his glory, Moses did not show off or brag about his position or who he was because he was complete.

He never acted needy, and that was so attractive to the creator.

We notice that when Aaron and Miriam, the brother and sister of Moses, compared themselves to Moses, bragged about their position to show how complete they are, or acted needy, they lost value. 

Moses even fasted for forty days on his way up the mountain to teach us the concept of neediness.

By going up the mountain while fasting, Moses is secretly telling us that when we don't act needy or when we detach ourselves from physicality, we go up spiritually and become closer to the creator.


Ultimately, Moses teaches us that reaching the top of Mount Sinai, where he received the Ten Commandments, requires people to be humble.

Bahram Cohanfard


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