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Star of Unity



Star of Unity serves both concepts of unity.

The first concept is the concept of Star of David which represents the unity between the upper world and the lower world by putting two triangles together.

The second concept is the concept of unity among the Jewish people by putting six hearts together in a circle. 

Star of David which is also known as the Jewish star shows the unification of the spiritual world and the physical world. 

There are in fact two arrows in the same exact size in triangle shapes that merge together and engage the upper world and the lower world together. 

​This unification creates a star called Star of David, a symbol that is the identity of a Jew and we want to know why?

It is every Jew duty to create this star by uniting the upper world and the lower world together.

You may ask why is this unification so important?

This unification brings a knowledge upon us. This is the path of our fathers generation after generation.

So how does this creates a knowledge?

In order to explain this knowledge which is essential for our physical and spiritual growth, we have to go back into creation first.

So let's explain this clearly...

The creator is one.

The creator is good.

Therefore, the creator wants to do good.


And the only way to do good is by giving.

But, there is no receiver!

So He creates a "receiver" called the physical world which we call "nature."

In fact, we call it "mother of nature" and never father of nature.

Because the creator is a giver, He is the male aspect. He is the spiritual world.

Because nature is a receiver, she is the female aspect. She is the physical world.

So what happened on the 6th day of creation?

The creator took the dust of the earth and insert His spirit into it and it became a human.                

In other words, the spiritual and physical world were married on the 6th day of creation and had a child together, an entity called "Adam."

"Adam" represents the knowledge or the product that was created by our spiritual father and our physical mother.

In other words, every time father and mother unite they create a knowledge.

Because we are the children of Adam, who is the seed of this unification, we are "expected" to also act the same way and bring unification for our continuity. 

Therefore, we learn that every time we unite the spiritual world and the physical world, we bring a knowledge upon us.

So how do we do that?

First let's see what spirituality is...

When the creator made the world He said and everything was created.

Torah starts by saying that the creator made everything by words...

בראשית ברא אלהים את השמים ואת הארץ


Meaning: In the beginning the creator made the heaven and the Earth.

The verse starts with the letter ב (Hebrew numerical value: 2) in order to tell us in a simple language that this creation is about 2 which are the upper world השמים and the lower world הארץ.

The Hebrew alpha-bet starts with the letter א and ends with the letter ת.  So by saying את,  Torah is telling us that the creator made the world using the letters from א to ת.

So everything was created by Hebrew letters.

Hence, we learn spirituality is all about  "speech" or "verbal language" because there is no physicality involved.

On the other hand, our "action" or "body language" is physical.

In other words, we must unite our "verbal language" and "body language" in order to create a knowledge. 

We do this some times without even noticing!

In fact, every time we say a blessing (bracha) which is spiritual and eat, drink, smell, or do anything that has to do with physicality, we are uniting father and mother and therefore creating a knowledge.

Therefore, by uniting both worlds we bring a knowledge upon us that could help us reach our potentials.

While we are learning about Star of David, it is VERY important to say by uniting the two triangles we have six points. 

6 which is the numerical value of Hebrew letter "ו" means "and". 

And what does the word "
and" do?

The word "and" is the symbol of connecting for continuity. It connects everything together like two words, two statements, two names, etc...

By uniting the two triangles we are uniting the spiritual world and the physical world and we'll get 
6 points meaning AFTER we unite the upper world and the lower world we'll become the CAUSE of this unification and therefore act as the word "and" or the number "6".

That is WHY the creator made Adam on day 
6  of creation to teach man that his work is to establish number 6 and be the "and" or the CAUSE of unification between the "spiritual world and the physical world."  

Another way we do this unification is when we say Amen 
אמן (Hebrew Numerical Value: 91). 

The name of G-d which represents the spiritual world is 
י-ה-ו-ה (Hovaya, Hebrew Numerical Value: 26) and the name which represents the physical world is אדני  (Adoney, Hebrew Numerical Value: 65).

Every time we say אמן we are uniting 
י-ה-ו-ה the spiritual world and אדני the physical world together. 
                                     אמן = י-ה-ו-ה + אדני
                                               65   +   26   =   91

We learn that Judaism is about love and marriage because uniting will bring continuity. 

This is the relation we have with our spiritual father and our physical mother which is nature. 

But we also have a relation toward each other as well. 

The creator loves to see his children together. 

He wants us united.

And how we become united is ONLY through kindness.

In fact, every time we do an act of kindness we become the CAUSE and therefore we become united and establish what the creator expected from us on the 6th day of creation when He created man. 

And once we all unite, we have created BOTH relationships which will complete our mission and bring us to redemption. 

As you see in the Star of Unity, the star of David won't appear until we unite.

Bahram Cohanfard


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