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Good Heart

We all talk about it.


We all search for it.


The first thing we are looking in a person is a GOOD HEART.​


But why?


Because a person with a good heart can be TRUSTED.


And TRUST is associated with HONESTY which is the basis for a good relationship.


So let's first see where Torah secretly mentions about GOOD HEART.


The numerical value of HEART is equal to 32 in Hebrew.


Now, count 32 words starting the first word of Torah which is בראשית


These 32 words secretly say: HEART


The 33rd word says: GOOD




לב טוב


Because the first section of Torah is about foundation we learn that one must have a GOOD HEART in order to be able to build the 49 levels of growth.

לב טוב = 49


Interestingly, the numerical value of GOOD HEART is 49 in Hebrew!


This means by having a GOOD HEART we can reach the 49 levels of growth that Moshe reached.


As we see, the foundation is about HEART.


Let's look at the first letter of Torah: ב

Let's look at the last letter of Torah: ל


Together: לב (heart)


As said in other articles, our purpose in life is to be a cause for unification. We have to be the one to connect the last letter in Torah ל to the first letter of Torah ב and make לב because the creator wants the knowledge of Torah circulate in our heart, just like the blood that circulates in our heart. 


So Torah teach us that it is about HEART.


It is the work of HEART.


Forget about controlling your thoughts! (at least for now)


Put your mind at work to control your FEELINGS.


Our FEELINGS are in control of our decisions.


This is what the creator took out of Adam and put before him and told him FACE your feelings!


But Adam proved he had weak feelings because Eve wasn't able to control her desires.


The truth is that we are dealing with our feelings and desire PLEASURE every second.


We wake up for PLEASURE and we do everything for PLEASURE. Give me PLEASURE, give me more and more, and give it to me NOW!!!


And if our expectations are NOT met, our feelings are hurt and act weak which may lead to anger issues.


So, it is our FEELINGS running the show...


It is the heart that ORDERS the mouth to curse.

It is the heart that ORDERS the hand to beat.


This means our HEART gives power to our speech and action. 




...and we come to a conclusion that we must be STRONG and deal with NEGATIVE pleasures that are controlling our speech and actions.


Yes, unfortunately, these pleasures are leading us to destruction.

As you may know in the Torah section בלק ,בלק ordered בלעם to come and curse the Jews because he had the power of speech.


בלק represents the HEART.

בלעם represents the MOUTH.  


בלק orders בלעם

HEART orders the MOUTH.


As you notice, they both have the word לב HEART in their names showing the connection between the heart and mouth. 


The לב in the name בלק represents the HEART and the לב in the name בלעם represents the 32 teeth in mouth meaning when they are closed they make 32 לב and therefore STOP  the mouth from opening and cursing. ​


Lavan לבן who was the father in law of Jacob and his enemy, happens to be Bilam's בלעם great grandfather. He also has the word לב in his name. We notice how these negative names are connected to each other. After all, they are family!



We learn that what comes out of our mouth and action is the production of our heart.


Therefore, a good heart is all about SPEECH and ACTION. 


So the next time you meet someone that uses bad words or has a bad action, ask yourself if he/she has a good heart?


Do YOU have a good heart?


Bahram Cohanfard​​​


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