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You are probably aware of your position in the world around you, but are you aware the position the Creator expects you to keep is the pathway to eternal life?


In this article, I would like to talk to you about your position in the creation and the steps you need to take to earn eternal life.


Imagine you’re looking for a job and find an open position. You apply, get the job, and go to work. Later in the afternoon, your boss checks on you to see if you're doing your job as you were instructed, but instead, he finds you playing games. He’ll get upset, yelling at you, saying hey, what are you doing? I hired you for a position, but you're doing something else. You’re supposed to be doing your job. WHERE ARE YOU?




Let’s say you hire a babysitter to take-care of your child while you’re at work. So, she comes to your house in the morning, you give her instructions, and leave to work. A few hours later, you call her to check on your child, but she won’t answer; you keep calling again and again, but no answer. You become so worried, drop everything you're doing, and rush home. As you open the door, you find the babysitter by the pool, taking a nap, having a piña colada, the music is loud, and of course, your child is crying in her room. At this point, you get so upset yelling at her, saying hey, I hired you to take care of my child, but instead, you’re having a pool party. I have called you many times. WHERE ARE YOU?”


You already know where she was, so what do you mean by saying, “WHERE ARE YOU?”


You know you’re referring to her POSITION since she was not doing her job as she was supposed to do...




These are the exact words the Creator asked Adam after he ate from the forbidden tree, complaining to him WHY he did not keep his position.


Until today, we are asked the same question daily.


You may ask...


What position?


Am I hired for a position?


What am I supposed to do?


What is my job?


And most importantly, why?


So, let us look at the bigger picture to see where you are...


You are made of body and soul. ​


Your body comes from the physical world or the female aspect of the creation, while your soul comes from the spiritual world or the male aspect of the creation. ​


That means two worlds came together to create you.


These two worlds were one (spiritual) world at the beginning of the creation, just like Adam and Chava were one individual. ​


Because the Creator is constructive, He planned to create continuity...


The Creator took out the physical aspect of the spiritual world and called her mother nature, just like how later on, He took out the female aspect of Adam and called her mother of humans.


That's why, in the book of creation, the Creator says He created humans in His image. ​


What the Creator did was that He turned a STRONG world into two "weak" worlds in need of each other. ​


Since they became weak, they became needy to unite and become strong again.


Therefore, they sought to establish a strong relationship. ​


That's when they united, and the result of their unification was their beloved child Adam.


Adam's body was given to him by our mother nature, while his soul was given to him by our spiritual father. ​


That means his mother and father were also within him as body and soul. ​


Adam's feelings represented his body's desires, while his logic, represented his soul's desires.


Adam was standing as a strong connector or glue between his parents (body and soul) to be the "cause" of their relationship. ​


In other words, Adam was the "relationship" between his parents (body and soul), meaning "no Adam, no relationship." ​​


Adam was created on the sixth day of creation to demonstrate that he is the "cause" for uniting his parents, since six in Hebrew means AND. It's the symbol of connecting for continuity because whenever we want to continue, we connect with the AND word, which becomes the "cause" of continuity.


Interestingly, the letter ו consists of a "body" and a "head" representing humans.


By creating Adam, the Creator hired him to keep his parents (body and soul) united so that they would be able to have a strong marriage relationship through him. In return, by keeping his position to be the "cause" of their relationship, Adam was earning existence.


Interestingly, there was a mutual benefit for all parties. Our mother nature and our spiritual father would benefit from Adam to have an ongoing relationship with each other through him, while Adam would benefit from his position to stay alive.


If, however, Adam's position changed or acted weak, he would cause separation between his parents (body and soul), lose his position, and therefore his existence.

That means he had to show restraint and not let his parents (body and soul) separate from each other to stay alive forever. ​


Once Adam ate the forbidden fruit, he poisoned his mother nature or his body and changed its ingredient that was attaching his body to his soul. Therefore, he became weak and brought separation between his parents (body and soul), and as the Creator had warned him, his soul gradually left his body and died. 


That's why when Adam ate from the forbidden tree or acted weak, the Creator asked him, "WHERE ARE YOU?" complaining to him why he did not keep his position as expected. ​


By keeping his position and restraining himself from the forbidden food, he could have saved his position and earned eternal life.


Yes, all the forbidden foods are there to pull our body away from our soul and change our position.


They are all extra pleasures we want, but we don't need.


Of course, they all taste good...


They must be tasty to have the power to pull our body away from our soul.


If they don't taste good, they won’t be able to pull our body away from our soul.


If they don’t have power, how can our strength be tested? ​


Just like the forbidden fruit that Adam and Chava were supposed to restrain themselves from eating, every time we restrain ourselves from having a forbidden food, we are keeping our parents (bodies and souls) united, and therefore, taking the first and most important step toward eternal life. ​


That means we must be careful what we eat is not forbidden by the Creator. ​


Adam and Chava were just one step away from earning eternal life when they ate what was forbidden for them to eat. ​


What does that tell you? ​


What you are probably not aware of is that the same serpent that deceived Chava is also after you. ​


Yes, he wants to ruin the relationship of your parents (body and soul), and he knows you are after pleasure and have to eat to survive.  

Our soul needs our body, and our body needs food. 

In other words, it's the "food" that matters most to keep our body and soul united.

Without the food our soul won't be able to use our body just like without gas in our car we won't be able to use our car.

Therefore, if there is a problem with the food we eat, our parents (body and soul) won't be able to unite accordingly. 

As a result, a forbidden food causes separation between our parents (body and soul) followed by destruction.

That's why Adam and Chava were tested through eating. 

After all, we are what we eat.


Interestingly, every time in the Torah the Creator informs us about forbidden foods, He continues by commanding us to be holy because He is holy. ​

Therefore, we can clearly see the connection between food and holiness.


Eating is also the only sense Adam could have taken responsibility for, since he had full control of what he puts in his mouth. But he could not take full responsibility for seeing, hearing, smelling, and touching since he had only some control over them. ​


Therefore, he could not be countable for his other desires but only eating. ​


But they were not the only reasons to why Adam and Chava were tested through eating. ​


If you can control what you eat, you can have more control on your other desires. ​


Let me just say that controlling your body's desires starts with what you put in your mouth. ​


That is the reason to why eating is the gateway to eternal life. ​


Keeping kosher is the first and most important step toward keeping your position.


However, there are other laws in the Torah because they all have the power to change our position. ​


When you marry someone, you and your partner set limitations and boundaries to protect your marriage from falling.


Similarly, our physical mother and our spiritual father, who are within us as body and soul, are a married couple and in order to protect their marriage from falling, they also set limitations and boundaries to protect their marriage. ​


The Creator gives a list of limitations and boundaries as forbidden laws in the Torah.


Therefore, all the forbidden commandments in the Torah are there to help us keep our position.


Leashing your heart is the only way to keep your position. ​


That is why the Creator wants you to witness dogs on leashes. ​


It is interesting that in Hebrew, the word HEART is a part of the DOG name... ​


Heart in Hebrew means LEV, and dog means KELEV. ​


Why is that? ​


Because they both make decisions based on how they feel. ​


A dog is a curious animal and if not leashed, it could hurt itself or others because of how it feels. That is why we leash our dogs to protect them and protect others from getting hurt. ​


Similarly, a human heart is also curious, and if not leashed, it could hurt himself or hurt others because of how it feels. Thankfully, humans blessed with souls, and therefore, we can make decisions based on our logic and leash our heart to protect it from hurting itself or others. ​


You can see the power of your heart pulling you to get what it wants when you walk your dog and notice it is always two steps ahead of you pulling to get what it wants.


And that is what the Creator wants you to witness. ​


Adam and Chava unleashed their hearts and hurt themselves and their future generations. ​


But they could have lived forever, if they kept their position. ​


Remember, restraint is strength. ​


So, ask yourself... ​





Bahram Cohanfard ​


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