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Ever wonder why the Creator told Noah he could start eating the meat of animals?

Think about it...

Why would He do that for?

Noah was vegetarian. He never tasted meat, so he could never crave it. 

It does not make sense the Creator does such a thing. 

Aren't animals the Creator's creations?

Doesn't the Creator love and care for them too?

After all, the Creator made us in His image so that we understand Him.


That means if we humans are His children, all animals must be His pets. 

Would you allow your children to eat your pet as food?

We say the Creator is kind.

That means His essence is kind and therefore His kindness is not for me and you only.

If He is kind, He is kind to all...

So, what is going on here?

Now, I would like to take your attention to another question.

Ever wonder why the Creator tested Adam and Chava through eating?

That's because the relationship between your body and your soul has directly to do with what you eat.

Let me explain...

Your body is like a glue holding your soul. Once the ingredient of the glue changes, it becomes weak and unable to hold your soul any longer. That's when the soul leaves the body. That's why the Creator warned Adam if he ate the forbidden fruit, he would surely die. 

Therefore, keeping the ingredients of your body undamaged is key to keeping your soul from leaving your body.

Interestingly, every time the Creator gave us the commandments about the food we are allowed and not allowed to eat, He continued by commanding us to be holy because He is holy.

This is a clear message that the food we eat is key to holiness.

In addition, the Torah tells us what you eat affects your intelligence.

For the above reasons, the Creator wants you to stay away from forbidden foods. He wants you to be in control of your body's desires and eat what is allowed for you to eat. 

Because what you eat is key to your survival, the creator planned to make man strong through eating. 

As you may know, at the beginning of creation, humans and animals were all created as vegetarians. 

That's why Noah was able to feed all animals vegetables for forty days in his ark. After all, only one pair of non-kosher animals and seven pairs of kosher animals entered the boat, so Noah couldn't possibly feed all animals anything else but vegetables.

Although Noah was a strong man who had stood up to evil people in his generation, he was still a weak person compared to other generations. 

After the flood, when Noah stepped out of the ark, the ark was like a woman's whom, and therefore he was like a newborn child and weak.

So, what is the very first thing you will give to your newborn child?

A pacifier.

Here is the thing...

The very first time you gave a pacifier to your newborn child you were aware you would take it away from him/her at the age of two or at the right time.

So why did you give your child a pacifier and then take it away from him/her?

You give your child a pacifier for emotional support until he/she is emotionally stronger. Once you feel your child is stronger, you will take it away from him/her, knowing your child is strong enough to deal with not having the pacifier. Now your child has to stand up against his/her craving for a pacifier, which will make him/her strong.

That is why, the creator gave Noah a pacifier called "meat," knowing He would take it away from his offspring, the Jewish people, at the right time, making them emotionally strong.

The Creator planned to make the Jewish people in control of what they ate and a role model for all seventy-two nations worldwide.

Although according to the law of "Cause & Effect", allowing Noah to prey on animals for food would force wild animals to follow and prey on weak ones for food too, it was crucial for the survival of humans.

However, when the Jewish people left Egypt, although they left with all their animals, the Creator took away their permission to eat animals or the pacifier He once gave to Noah to make men strong.

The Creator told them to eat the meat of animals only when they were allowed to eat meat.

That's when the Jews started complaining to Moses and Aaron that they wanted to eat meat unconditionally and regretted fleeing Egypt.

Because of their strong desire for meat, the Creator gave them birds to eat.

But that was not quite what they asked for.


They asked for red meat since they were shepherds eating red meat in Egypt all the time but instead, they were given white meat to eat.

We learn that the red meat animals they owned were exclusively assigned for offerings.

However, eating meat did not continue for more than a day.

Sometime later, a group of non-Jews who had left Egypt with the Jews craved meat and caused the Jews to crave meat too. 

As a result, thousands of them were killed in the desert by the Creator because they caused the Jews to crave meat.

So, the question is why did craving meat have the death penalty?

The Creator did not want the Jews to eat meat, and because the non-Jews were the cause, they were punished for it.

However, this time again the Creator gave them birds to eat. But this time the Creator gave them birds for 30 days so that they get sick of it and won't ask for meat again.

We learn that when the Jews had a strong desire for meat, the Creator did not punish them. But when non-Jews were the cause for their craving, the non-Jews were punished with death penalty. 


The Creator used the non-Jews as a tool to warn the Jews not to cause others to crave meat.

In other words, although the Creator did not want the Jews to eat meat, He was forced to give them meat because He did not want to see them unhappy.  

You would say the same thing to your child when you see your child crying non-stop for a pacifier, after taking away the pacifier from him/her. You don't want your child to take the pacifier anymore, but you cannot stand to see your child crying all the time either. You want to see your child happy.

As a result, you let your child take the pacifier only when he/she has an extreme desire for it, and not to take it regularly.

Although several laws changed for the Jewish people when they left Egypt, such as the marriage laws, the eating laws were even more important.

The Creator is aware that the pleasure of having meat is powerful and can bring addiction. Taking away the meat from your diet is like taking away a part of you. 

That's why the Creator made a covenant with Abraham, commanding him to circumcise himself or take away a part of him he doesn't need.

In other words, the Creator made a covenant with Avraham commanding him to cut the extra pleasure to grow.

Yes, the Creator wants us to have the power to take away the extra pleasures we don't need but we are attached to them.

What is most important to learn is that "Positive Constructive Purpose" is the FIRST law of the universe, even higher than the Ten Commandments.


The Creator puts PURPOSE first before anything else.


Your job is to connect with the Creator by having a constructive purpose. 

What is your constructive purpose in killing the Creator's pets that He loves and cares for? 

In the case you are allowed to bring animals for offerings because the Creator gives priority to His children over His pets, you may bring His pets as offerings and eat them as food too.

But if your purpose is to fill up your stomach or indulge yourself, that's not a compelling reason to kill the Creator's pets that He loves and cares for. Instead, you can fill up your stomach with hundreds of other foods and let His pets live - this way you have done a constructive act and connected with the Creator. 

The Creator wants you to be in control of your (extra) pleasures and eat His pets whenever it is constructive, or He allows you to eat them.

In other words, if His pet is not an offering, nor do you have an extreme desire for meat, why do you kill His pet?

The Creator trained the Jewish people for forty years not to eat His pets as regular food but sadly, a meat lover (Erev Rav) makes a four-minute video with made-up stories to tell you that you can eat the Creator's pets for food unconditionally, destroying the forty years of training the Creator gave to the Jewish people not to kill His pets just to fill up their stomach.

They bring any excuse to eat meat.

One of their biggest excuses is that by eating animals you'll elevate them.

Yes, you probably elevate the animal but who told you to elevate animals?

Even if you elevate an animal, you diminish yourself physically and spiritually simply because you are what you eat and the animal you eat is not better than you. 

The only time you elevate an animal is when you bring it as an offering.

When you bring a Creator's pet for offering since according to the law of "Cause & Effect" that animal may be carrying your sins, by offering the animal you cleanse the sins from the animal before eating it.

That's HOW you elevate an animal.

However, if you really love and care for animals, improve your behavior since based on the law of "Cause & Effect" animals follow humans. 

That's HOW you help an animal.

But again, who told you to eat and elevate the animals?

Did the creator tell you that?

Of course, not...

During the forty-year journey in Sinai, for only thirty-one days the Creator gave the Jews meat to eat. 

What does that tell you?

If the Creator wanted you to elevate the animals or if it was constructive, during the forty-year Journey, every day He would have given the Jews meat to eat and elevate them.

But He didn't simply because it is destructive, and you diminish yourself. 

Also, we do elevate all the vegetables we eat because we turn them into meat. But when you eat meat, what do you want to turn it to?

Meat again?

FYI, that's not called elevation.

Most importantly, the Creator said to elevate yourself.

And elevating yourself means improving your behavior. 

You cannot possibly improve your behavior when you eat animals.

That is why the Creator has commanded us to be in control of our bodily desires and to eat His pets only when we are allowed to eat them and not as a routine practice.

Don't forget the Creator does not want you to eat meat as a regular food.

Yes, meat was the pacifier the creator took away from the Jewish people to make them strong.

So, are you still taking a pacifier?

Bahram Cohanfard

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