Easy Returns
Returns are easy. Simply follow these 3 steps:
1) Contact us to get an Authorization number.
2) Pack items to be returned using the original packaging, if possible.
3) Insure your return and ship back via USPS, FedEx, UPS or DHL.
4) Ship to: Returns, 1270 South Alfred Street, Ste 352175, Los Angeles, CA 90035
Upon receive of your package, We'll process your return promptly. You will receive a full refund on all purchased items and your account will be credited in the original form of payment. When we have processed your return we'll send you an email confirmation. The purchase amount will be credited to your credit card within 3 days.
For your convenience, we offer merchandise exchange. To exchange an item, it is best to place a new order and return the original item for credit back to your account.
If you have any questions about product returns or exchanges, please speak with a customer service representative by calling 1-888-766-2683.​